Check suspicious PHP files now quickly and reliably for webshells!
nimbusec shellray is a free online webshell detector for PHP files.
Result for {{ result.filename }}
Malware detected: {{ result.threatname }}!
No malicous PHP code detected.
Upload the suspicious .PHP files.
The PHP file is analysed in our data center.
You receive an evaluation and classification.
Remove the file or replace it with the original CMS.
Recheck your webspace again for malware and webshells.
Change all passwords (SFTP, CMS, database, etc.).
Keep your CMS up to date and sonsult a web security expert.
This is a greatly simplified process. On our blog you will find more initial measures. In many cases it is useful incurring web security experts.
nimbusec checks your web server automatically and regularly for webshells, malware, content and blacklists. Find out now!